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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's A Grand Opening!

Welcome to the Grand Opening of my new home business as a Homemade Gourmet Independent Representative!


Thank you, Thank you!

With my unforseen forced medical leave of absence upon me, I decided that along with my Affiliate and Network Marketing Business, I would take a leap of FAITH and do something that I had been considering for a long time.  I invested a little under 1/2 of my savings into this business in order to get myself off on the right foot and have enough stock to provide for all my upcoming Hostessing and Community events.  I have big plans, many children to support and a heaping measure of Faith that the opportunity I have chosen will enhance my life, my family's life and our financial situation.

I had been praying for a way to be able to leave my full-time job, and had felt the pull to just "Do It" and make it work, but didn't for quite a while. Now, the opportunity has presented itself at just the right time and I am going with it.

Friends, if you have it in your heart to host a party, make a purchase or refer your friends and family to me, that would be a great help. My business plan for the rest of 2010 is to tithe 10% of all my earnings, help as many people as I can build their own home businesses and live out this year as my best year yet!

Take a look at my new website ( http://www.homemadegourmet.com/Carrie ), check out our products, hostess opportunity and the amazing deal for starting your own home business with Homemade Gourmet for only $39 (plus tx & shipping) !!

Then contact me and let's get the party started!


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mompreneur Monday

MckLinky Blog Hop

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Italian Mozzerella Meatloaf

Ok, so last night we dived into the massive amounts of Homemade Gourmet products that had arrived at my door and decided the first thing we would try would be the Italian Mozzerella Meatloaf.
Needless to say, it was a hit!


The recipe was easy to follow, just add your ground meat, egg, shredded cheese and ketchup. We actually doubled the recipe, since we have such a big family and we still only had a platefull of leftovers!

The kids were happy, they ate every bite!
And THAT means it was a hit :)

Beau actually said it was the best meatloaf he ever had!

So, seven thumbs up for Italian Mozzerella Mealoaf.
Gotta decide what's on the menu for tonight.

Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm in Homemade Gourmet Heaven

Well, over the last two days, I have received a gazillion Homemade Gourmet packages!  Well, okay, not quite that many, but I can't even count the individual packages that came in 7 boxes from the UPS man. :)

Tonight we will be having Italian Mozerella MeatLoaf, mashed potatoes and corn. JT is preparing it as I write!  (I love being with a man who cooks dinner every night!)

So, my next post will be my first Homemade Gourmet Product Review. Be on the lookout!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Homemade Gourmet- NEW Shakers & Boxes & Trios! Oh My!

March 2010- In The Mix - Click here to view this issue.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Crumby Fish

This week’s bonus recipe: If you’re dieting or giving up meat for Lent, seafood is a natural go-to option. Spice up dinner with this recipe for Crumby Fish – it’s anything but crummy, even when you’re denying yourself.

Crumby Fish

6 fresh salmon fillets (or try a mild-tasting fish like tilapia)
6 tablespoons Homemade Gourmet® Italian Mozzarella Meatloaf Seasoning
1 tablespoon Homemade Gourmet® Garlic Lemon Seasoning
Fresh lemons, optional


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray fillets very lightly with non-stick cooking spray and coat with combined seasonings.  
  2. Lay salmon in bottom of a 13-by-9-by-2 baking dish and lightly spray top of fillets again.  
  3. Bake for 15 minutes or until fish flakes with a fork; serve with fresh squeezed lemon if desired.

 Serve this tasty, healthy entrĂ©e with a salad dressed with dressing made from Lemon Poppyseed Seasoning Mix or Sun-Dried Tomato Dip Mix; enjoy with a cup of Zentastic Blackberry Jasmine Green Tea.


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